Fact Checking Policy

    Unwavering Commitment to Accuracy:

    At GeekerMag, we uphold an unwavering commitment to providing our readers with 100% accurate headlines and content. Our primary focus is to ensure that every news article and feature we publish undergoes a rigorous vetting process, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

    Verifying Sources and Information:

    Before any article is crafted, we employ a thorough fact-checking process to verify the credibility and accuracy of our sources. We delve into the origins of the information, trace it back to its primary source, and reference additional materials whenever applicable. Our team aims to differentiate between confirmed information and mere rumors or insider reports, presenting a clear distinction to our readers.

    Zero Tolerance for Clickbait:

    GeekerMag maintains a strict policy against clickbait. Our headlines are designed to be bold and attention-grabbing, but they never sacrifice accuracy for the sake of sensationalism. We refrain from making broad statements merely for shock value and instead ensure that every headline represents the verified information within the article.

    Industry-Leading Context and Insight:

    Our team of experienced writers, hailing from diverse backgrounds in the entertainment industry, is united by a shared passion for all things geek and entertainment-related. We strive to deliver not just the news but also industry-leading context that explains the significance of the information to our readers.

    Highly Experienced Team of Writers and Editors:

    GeekerMag’s team comprises industry veterans who bring extensive knowledge and expertise to every article they write. They diligently research and cross-check information, providing our readers with the latest, most accurate, and relevant details. When GeekerMag is the original source of information, we adhere to basic journalism principles to uphold the highest journalistic standards.

    Considering the Bigger Picture:

    Our standards for feature content are no different. We emphasize the importance of research, objectivity, and presenting a clear argument. When we draw conclusions or theories, we also consider and include relevant counter-arguments, allowing us to address a wide range of possibilities and anticipate readers’ questions.

    If you find any inaccuracies or have update requests for our articles, please don’t hesitate to Contact us.