Drafting is one of the most intriguing and fun ways to play Magic, and it is an even better way to improve the game. The only problem is that it can be a bit intimidating for new players, and if you are not ready for real-life drafting, there aren’t many ways to practice in a safe environment.

Fortunately, this is where draft simulators come in handy, as any reputable MTG Arena blog can testify. They help you get comfortable with the format, learn how different decks interact and fine-tune your skills until they are as sharp as your cards.
Whether you are just beginning or trying to get better after years on the circuit, here are some reasons why using a simulator is among the best ways to get better at drafting.
You can do it anytime
You can improve this skill with practice, and one of the best ways to get better at drafting is to draft more. However, it can be challenging to find time for this practice without understanding what you are doing wrong or what you are doing well so that you can focus on the areas where improvement is needed.
The good news is that using a simulator makes this process much easier by allowing avid players to practice whenever they have time, whether during their lunch break at work or on the weekends.
The best thing about a simulator is that you do not have to worry about leaving your house, as you can draft from anywhere.
The average time it takes for an MTG player to get ready and head over to their local game store ranges from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic levels in their area, but with a reliable draft simulator, all they need is access. Therefore, you can also draft at your convenience. There is no rush, and you can pause between rounds for a quick break before heading back into battle against brewing decks in search of victory.
You can learn from the experience
The most apparent reason to practice this way is that it allows you to see what a draft looks like when it goes all wrong and write down lessons from each experience.
You can learn from your mistakes, and if you have made an error in one of the drafts that left you with an unwieldy pool of cards, then using a simulator will help you understand this situation. Next time, you will know what problems to watch out for and how best to solve them.
Hone your drafting skills
If you have ever played online poker, you probably understand the value of practicing in simulated environments. You can get better at something by practicing it over and over again, as long as you put yourself in situations similar to the ones you will encounter in the actual game. This is true for Magic as well – if you want to improve your draft game, it is vital that the practice drafts feel like real ones.
Invariably, simulators provide an environment where players can test new decks against competent AI opponents. Also, many websites offer an additional MTG Arena blog, so amateurs understand how different cards work together and play better overall. Finally, they list guides on how to play new games, give the latest Magic-related news, and allow players to draft without time constraints whenever they wish to.