Starting with Windows 10 Insider Build 20201 in Developer Channel, We start seeing a new setting called Archived Apps. You can find it at Settings > Apps > Apps & Features. From here, users can enable or disable the setting.

Microsoft hasn’t disclosed any information about the Archived Apps in the build announcement. After checking the description, we understand that feature, when enabled, will automatically archive the apps which you do not use frequently. The app files and related data will be saved.
At any point, if you start using the archived app, it will automatically connect to the internet to restore the full version of the same app. For example, Microsoft will keep archived app profiles and related information somewhere on the computer, and next time you launch it from the Start menu, it will instantly download the app and open it. Like its always there.
The purpose of introducing this feature is to save your device storage and internet bandwidth.
It seems like the Archived Apps feature is linked to System settings. If you head over to Settings > System > Memory. Click on the link which reads “See Cleanup Recommendations“, you will find a new entry called Unused Apps.

Since the feature is not, none of the application is appeared in Unused apps section. So we will wait few days to get more information about the feature.
In the meantime, let us know your thoughts about the addition of the Archived app feature in the Windows 10 Settings app? Are you excited, let us know in the comments.