Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser is set to download and install the latest version, just like Chrome. All you have to do is to click the restart button available in the about section in the browser to complete the update process.

Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation when the Edge browser is not updating automatically due to some issues. While on the other hand, some users would like to check if the latest update is available or not, then you will find this blog post handy.
How to Update Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based)
Click on the More (…) icon available on the upper right corner. From the menu select Help and Feedback > About Microsoft Edge.

Alternatively, you can visit: Edge://help and hit enter.
On this page, you will find the current version of the Edge browser. Also, the browser will start checking the Microsoft server if the latest update is available.
If the Edge browser is up to date, then you will get a notification that “Microsoft Edge is up to date.” If the latest update is available, then the update will start downloading automatically.
Once the browser downloads and installs the latest version, click on the Restart button to complete the process.
1 Comment
I thought Microsoft would begin to push out Edge Chromium in a Windows update so as to better market this new and much improved browser. Instead they seem fine with just having users download and install it themselves. The market share is so little I guess it really doesn’t much matter. Microsoft seem intent to offer a decent browser with Edge Chromium. But they obviously are not going to force it onto your device anytime soon.