The new Edge is a Chromium-based browser and Microsoft is doing there best to make different from the Chrome browser. Following this, the company is testing a new design for the Install App button that appear in the address bar when the website has its own PWA. For example, Facebook, Outlook, and Twitter.

Earlier, when you visit a website that supports the PWA show you (+) icon the same one that appears in the Chrome browser. Starting with Edge Canary v86.0.591.0, Microsoft replaced the Install App button with a similar icon visible in Apps entry in the Edge Settings menu.
Now if you visit a website that supports PWA, the browser instantly detects PWA for the site and you a message that ‘App Available‘. To install website as an app in Edge, you need to click on that button, click on Install button to complete the installations.
Do you like the design of Install App button in Microsoft Edge? We would like to hear from you in the comments.